
@lilgildedstar (Find me on X & Blue Sky!)

i about writer ;

  • name Akamatsu Naomi

  • age 15 - 18

  • birthday Oct 14

  • pronouns She/They

  • astro sign Libra

  • mtbi infj-t

  • cv: Aoi Yabusaki (jp) / Emi Lo (en)

This is my carrd for my Haikyuu Version of my OC Akamatsu Naomi [平野 直美]



"If I don't capture the moment now... then, when?"

Akamatsu is a petite, young girl with shaggy, dark brown hair and deep red eyes. She usually wears a oversized dark cardigan over her uniform in place of a standard blazer. She usually has a neutral, narrowed expression. She has been noted by some at her school to be quite pretty, albeit oddly intimidating.

Post-timeskip, Akamatsu appearance has changed quite a bit. She seems taller and more confident, comfortable with wearing more form fitting clothing, although she still enjoys wearing large sweaters or jackets on top. Her hair is the same if not a little shorter with a buzzed undercut. She also overcomes her own personal guilt and wears the star-shaped earrings her father bought her when she was very young.

Akamatsu is a rather blunt and straight-forward girl, not caring to mince words when it comes to her own thoughts and opinions - sometimes to a fault. She finds this helps with communicating with her friends and classmates since she's often described as 'unreadable', which bothers her very much.
She is, however, incredibly kind, snarky and quick to rile up if someone pays especially close to her tendencies, leading her to either shy away or over explain herself.Due to an accident at a young age that resulted in the loss of her father, Akamatsu has formed a phobia of storms; heavy rain and thunder.

Akamatsu is a part of the school's Yearbook club, having raced to join immediately to have access to their photography equipment and room. She was previously active in playing volleyball in middle school but grew an intense facination in sports photography and videography when she came across a sports article documenting the 'Little Giant'. Seeing the image of the player perfectly clear in a moment of glory inspired her to pick up a camera.

Post-Timeskip, Akamatsu becomes an aspiring Video Producer and has been requested and recruited to make promotion pieces for sports teams all over Japan.


  • Unnamed mother

  • Unnamed father (deceased)

  • unnamed step-father

  • Akamatsu Ryota (Older Brother)

  • Akamatsu jun (older brother

  • Akaashi Keiji (Second cousin)









♡ Tsukishima Kei Childhood Friends / Romantic (verse dependant)

Tsukishima and Akamatsu met through their brothers. They've known each other and have practically grown up with each other since elementary school. Their relationship always seems tumultuous, given their innate abilities to match each other in a battle of wits, or oddly enough, ability to straight up argue with each other. However, they're incredibly close and Akamatsu trusts him the most.Tsukishima developed passive feelings for Akamatsu in middle school and is one of the only ones that know of Akamatsu's astraphobia (fear of storms/thunder) and offers support wordlessly; offering his headphones or covering her head with his coat and staying by her side until she's able to function a little better. It wasn't until a minor argument during the training camp did Tsukishima realize and decide how he really felt.

♡ Yamaguchi Tadashi Childhood Friends / Platonic

Akamatsu met Yamaguchi through Tsukishima and they've all functioned as a trio since. Yamaguchi often seeks Akamatsu for personable advice, finding her ability to do things and speak despite her innate anxiety admirable.Yamaguchi is also the only one to have witnessed a full-blown argument between Tsukishima and Akamatsu.

♡ Kozume Kenma Long-distance friends / Mutual Pining / Romantic (verse dependant)

Akamatsu befriended Kozume through an online game, only knowing very, very vague things about each other; rough area they live in, what they like, etc. It wasn't until a (unknowingly) mutual friend noticed Akamatsu's gametag did they finally start getting information about each other and meet up.Their relationship with one another is a very 'comfortable silence' kind of relationship and slow going. Since officially meeting each other, they've been known to be messaging each other much more than before.

♡ Yachi Hitoka Friends

Yachi is a nervous first-year that Akamatsu quickly befriended during the entrance ceremony as well as ending up in the same class together. Yachi often gets photography advice from Akamatsu and has invited her to practices and games to further her photography skills as well as help create promotional material for the school's volleyball team.

♡ Akaashi Keiji Second Cousins

Akaashi is Akamatsu's second cousin from her father's side. Akaashi was the first to introduce Akamatsu to volleyball at a young age, teaching her the basics when she was in elementary school.After Akamatsu's fathers passing, Akaashi had made it a point to constantly be in contact and support for his cousin. They keep in constant contact and Akamatsu often visits Akaashi during the summer and winter vacations.

♡ Bokuto Kōtarō Friends

Being Akaashi's best friend, Akamatsu got acquainted with Bokuto early on. Akamatsu finds him too loud and boisterous for her tastes but likes him regardless, saying that he's got a 'bright soul' and 'the energy of the sun'.Bokuto has asked Akamatsu to call him 'Boku-Bro', to which Akamatsu avoids doing so. But she'll say it sometimes to cheer him up.



!!! There are two seperate verses when shipping Naomi with either Kei or Kenma, hense the 'verse dependant'. In seperate 'universes' she ends up with either one or the other. Her relationships with her friends remain unchanged, however. !!!